My first encounter with this device wasn’t so pleasant. I didn’t know how to use it. When I searched online, it took me some time to understand how the golf monocular or the radio shack golf scope was just one thing.

Different terminologies were describing the device, so I didn’t know where to start.
As a result, I had to keep consulting with my friend (I doubt if he enjoyed the distraction). I kept on pestering my friend to teach me how to use a golf scope.
After that day, I buried myself in books, attempting to figure out how to use golf rangefinder monocular.
After research and regular practice, I finally got the basics. I kept sharpening my skills, and finally,
I was an expert. My experience wasn’t an isolated one. I have seen many amateur golfers go through the same. Indeed, it is quite a struggle to find out how to use a golf scope.
If you are going through the same predicament, here comes some good news! I will guide you through each step on how to use a golf rangefinder monocular scope.
In the end, you will have acquired the basic skills. So, relax and read through this comprehensive guide.
How to Use Golf Rangefinder Monocular
Golf rangefinder monocular scopes are an invaluable tool for any golfer. With the right knowledge and practice, they can improve accuracy and distance control on the golf course.
In this article, we will discuss how to use a golf rangefinder monocular scope, as well as the benefits of using one.
If you are playing pro, practicing the golf scope before the competition will help you understand the device better. It took me some trial and error until I got the best out of mine.
The golf scope has different kinds of technology — either Laser, GPS signal, or Optical.
Either of these technologies will give you a close approximation of the distance between your ball and the flag.
Although it involves a bit of math, the golf scope rangefinder can aid you to build a strategy on the field in keeping the hit as close to the target.
Breaking it down, the golf scope is a monocular
In Layman’s term, a monocular is a binocular cut into two pieces. The lens has specially marked lines which help determine the distance to the hole from the ball.
Gauging the distance helps you choose the most appropriate club to use.
Accordingly, finding the best golf scope aids you to decrease the number of strokes from the tee to the flag.
Now, how does golf rangefinder work? When using a rangefinder monocular, there are two views, namely, obstructed and unobstructed.
When dealing with either of these views, you use different techniques. Unobstructed view is when nothing is standing in between the target and the ball.
On the other hand, the obstructed view is when there are other things in between the player and the target.
The first step to using a golf rangefinder monocular scope is to identify the target. This can be done by using the laser beam emitted by the device. After the target is identified, the distance is calculated by the rangefinder and displayed on the LCD screen.
Once the distance is known, the golfer can use the rangefinder to make adjustments for elevation, wind speed, and humidity. These adjustments can be made by adjusting the settings on the rangefinder or by manually entering the values.
The next step to using a golf rangefinder monocular scope is to adjust the magnification. This can be done by turning the knob located on the side of the scope. The magnification can be used to identify objects that are further away or closer than the target.
The last step to using a golf rangefinder monocular scope is to adjust the focus. This can be done by moving the eyepiece to the desired focus. Once the focus is set, the image will appear more clearly and accurately.
The use of a golf rangefinder monocular scope involves identifying the target with the laser beam, calculating the distance on the LCD screen, adjusting the settings for elevation, wind speed, and humidity, adjusting the magnification with the knob, and adjusting the focus with the eyepiece to ensure a clear image.
Using a golf rangefinder monocular scope can be a great way to improve accuracy and distance control on the golf course. With proper knowledge and practice, golfers can dramatically improve their game with the help of a golf rangefinder.
Plus, golfers can get a better view of the terrain and more accurate yardage readings. All in all, a golf rangefinder monocular scope can be a great asset to anyone’s golf game.
So, how do you go about the two views of the golf monocular distance finder? I shall break each one of them down for you below.
Golf Rangefinder Monocular – Unobstructed View
An unobstructed view offers an easy procedure. With that, going through how to use a golf rangefinder scope using an unobstructed view is as easy as pie.
For instance, the first step is to stand behind your golf ball. Using your rangefinder scope, locate the flap post using the “Green” line on the scope.
Once you have found the flap stick using the “Green” line, tilt the golf scope rangefinder to align the “Green” line to the base of the flag. This requires the utmost care and precision.
When tilting the scope, ensure you align the scope in such a way that the “Green” line assumes a perpendicular position the flagstick. This is the only way you will get accurate results.
Using the scale, note the number on your scope that corresponds to the top of the flag post.
The corresponding number represents the distance (yardage) from the ball to the target.
That easy!
Briefly, here are the steps for golf rangefinder monocular – unobstructed view:
- Stand next to the ball, ensuring that you have a clear view of the target (hole)
- Hold the golf rangefinder monocular to one eye
- Match the line marked “green” on the viewfinder to the bottom of the flag post
- Read the numbers lined with the flag post top
- After that, choose the appropriate golf club according to the distance indicated
Golf Rangefinder Monocular – Obstructed View
Obstructed view poses some challenges for the user when using the golf scope.
If the base of the flag post is invisible, then you have to use a different process to identify the distance. In this case, we assume you are using a stripped flag post.
So, what do you do? How to use a golf rangefinder scope in an obstructed view?
Obviously, the first step is to stand behind the golf ball. After that, use the “Green” line to locate the flap post. Then match the “Green” line to the lowest visible strip of the flap stick.
To match the lowest strip to the green line, you need to tilt the scope carefully.
In the next step, ensure you hold the golf scope rangefinder in a position where the “Green” line stands perpendicular to the flag post.
Failure to do so yields inaccurate measurements.
Next, take note of the grid number corresponding to the top of the flag post. The number appears on the viewfinder’s scale.
After identifying the grid number, multiply it by the number of visible strips on the flag post.
Afterward, divides the answer by 8. The result after dividing by 8 represents the yardage from the ball the target (hole).
Let’s assume the top of the flag corresponds to 400 on the viewfinder scale. Then we have, say, 5 visible strips on the flagstick.
Then the distance becomes (5×400)/8 = 250 yards.
Briefly, here are the steps for golf rangefinder monocular – obstructed view:
- Line up the lowest stripe of the flag post with the lower line in the viewfinder scope
- Identify the number corresponding with the flag post’s top
- Count the number of strips to the top of the flap post
- Multiply the of strips with the number which lines up with the flag post’s top
- Divide the results of the above step by 8
- The result for the step above your golf monocular is the distance
If you wanted to know how to use golf rangefinder monocular, then you have the two steps above.
The steps explore the two possible scenarios expected when using a rangefinder scope.
Should I use a golf rangefinder
Golf rangefinders are not for everybody. It might not be necessary if you have been playing long enough in your golf course with dependable gut feelings.
But when your playing area is unfamiliar, it is best to reach into a golf monocular distance finder.
The range finder monocular works quickly, letting you receive information on the distance with such convenience.
Easily, you can avoid the hazards and blind spots of the course, depending on which technology you use.
Adding to that convenience is how compact the device is. Most of the golf monocular comes with a handy case.
You can strap it on your belt while walking through the golf course. One of the biggest decisions during your turn is determining which club to choose.
Whether you are a professional or playing for leisure, the golf monocular can reduce this inner conflict.
Honestly, all the benefits of the golf monocular distance finder follow through from there. Once you choose the right club, you can keep the ball in the green.
Of course, your score will further improve. Moreover, you will have a faster game. This works well if you are running on a tight schedule while trying to fit a golf game for relaxation.
If these do not convince you to invest in a monocular golf rangefinder, you are not alone. Not all golf players use a monocular golf range finder.
Usually, these are the traditionalists. Rather than depending on golf monocular, traditional golf players prefer to improve their intuition in the game.
Also, some are likely to depend on their caddie to estimate the distance. They do not want the easy way out.
Apart from that, some reviews say the monocular golf rangefinder can make the users feel insecure with the numbers appearing.
It might dampen your spirit if you fall a bit short or long from the accurate measurement. In turn, you may become hung up with the rangefinder than the play itself.
Overwhelmed with the monocular rangefinder’s features, it might be more time-consuming than just asking the caddie.
But then, the effects of using a golf monocular distance finder depends on you.
If you know that you have great discipline, and you can accept some shortfalls, definitely invest in the best golf scope for you.
Also, do know that the monocular golf rangefinder does not work alone.
You have to regulate the distance basing on the landscape of the field and the wind strength. You will have to analyze if the golf ball bounces in the right direction.
Prosimmon Monocular Golf Scope: The Perfect Tool for Golfers
Golf is a great sport, but it can be difficult to keep track of your ball when playing on a large course. This is where the Prosimmons Monocular Golf Scope comes in.
This device is perfect for golfers who want to get an accurate look at their ball from a distance. With its 8x magnification and 40mm objective lens, the Prosimmons Monocular Golf Scope is the perfect tool for golfers who want to improve their game.
The Prosimmons Monocular Golf Scope is a lightweight and portable device that can easily be carried in your golf bag.
The monocular golf scope has a rubberized finish that makes it comfortable to hold and it also has a foldable design that makes it easy to store. Also comes with a carrying pouch and a wrist strap that make it easy to take with you wherever you go.
It has an adjustable focus so that it can be used to get a clear view of your ball from a distance. The lens also has an anti-glare coating that reduces glare and prevents the lens from fogging up.
The golf monocular also has a wide field of view so you can see the entire course without any obstruction. It is a great tool for golfers who want to get an accurate view of their ball from a distance.
With its 8x magnification and 40mm objective lens, adjustable focus, anti-glare coating, and wide field of view make the Prosimmons Monocular Golf Scope an invaluable tool for golfers.
With its 8x magnification and 40mm objective lens, the Prosimmons Monocular Golf Scope is the perfect tool for golfers who want to get an accurate view of their ball from a distance.
Advantages of Using a Protocol Golf Rangefinder
If you’re a golfer, you know how important it is to have the right tools in your bag to help you improve your game.
One of the most important tools for any golfer is a golf rangefinder; this device helps you to accurately measure the distance to the hole. Protocol golf rangefinders are a must-have for any serious golfer, as they provide superior accuracy and ease of use.
Protocol golf rangefinders are designed with the highest quality materials and are packed with features to provide golfers with the most accurate readings possible.
They use advanced laser technology to measure the distance to the hole, and they also come with a range of features such as slope adjustment, target lock, and pin seeking modes. This ensures that you’re always getting the most accurate readings possible.
The design of Protocol golf rangefinders is also top-notch; they are lightweight and compact, so they’re easy to carry in your golf bag. They also have ergonomic grips, so they’re comfortable to use and won’t cause fatigue during a long day on the course.
In addition to their superior accuracy and design, Protocol golf rangefinders are also incredibly affordable. They are more affordable than many other rangefinders on the market, making them a great option for any golfer on a budget.
All in all, Protocol golf rangefinders are a must-have for any serious golfer. They provide superior accuracy, a range of features, and an ergonomic design, all at an affordable price.
If you’re looking to take your game to the next level, then a Protocol golf rangefinder is the perfect tool for the job.
In Summary
Figuring out how to use a rangefinder scope provide a means to upgrade the tool into your caddy.
It’s essential in managing your golf course, enabling you to better strategize your technique for the round.
With the monocular rangefinder, you can save yourself from the tricky parts of the golf course.
When using a rangefinder scope on an unobstructed view, the steps are straightforward. However, with the obstructed view, the flag should be striped.
What happens when the flag post lacks stripes in an obstructed view?
This is a rather tricky situation. In fact, one can never get accurate results in an obstructed condition if the flagstick lacks stripes.
Mostly, golf rangefinder scopes measure distances in meters or yards. So, the yardage exists in meters or yards.
Lastly, Keeping your golf scope clean is a basic practice in golf.
Clean it with a damp cloth after every use. Of course, you also have to blow out any dust off the scope and lenses.
Accordingly, your monocular golf range finder can be used for a long time.
Throughout my career as a golfer, I have faced several hurdles. learning how to use golf rangefinder monocular wasn’t a walk in the park. I managed, and you can do it too.
I have broken the entire process into an effortless and straightforward procedure.
Now you know how to use a golf rangefinder scope.
With a little practice, you will be there! Stick around for more golfing tips and tricks.
More Information
Last Updated on December 4, 2023 by Paul Roger Steinberg