Can you push an electric golf cart? Yes, you can. However, why would you want to push and electric golf cart, seriously? Of course, there are various reasons why one would want, or be forced, to push their electric golf cart. Under ideal situations, I think anyone would rather ride an electric golf cart.

I mean, you have spent some extra money to enjoy the convenience of the electric function.
However, some situations prompt the need for one to push their electric golf carts. Sometimes, you don’t even have an option.
We need to look at the situations that would prompt one to push their electric golf carts!
Can You Push an Electric Golf Cart?
Electric golf bag carts are one of the best ways to get around the golf course.
As with anything that works mechanically, electric golf carts walking, including electric golf pull cart and electric golf push carts, it’s prone to stalling.
No one would want to get stranded with a dead electric golf bag cart in the course. But as answered earlier to the question, “can you push an electric golf cart?”—you can.
You can do it in just a few steps by following the instructions in the next section. First, let’s discuss how pushing electric golf bag carts and motorized golf pull cart work.
Depending on the model of your electric golf push cart or motorized golf pull cart, it may or may not have a handle-style brake.
This handle-brake style allows you to switch electric golf bag carts to the TOW position that enables you to push it. In most cases, you can easily find this switch inside the battery compartment of electric golf carts walking.
Use the “tow-run” switch on your golf push cart or electric pull cart and then switch it to TOW position to push it. Knowing how to put a golf cart in neutral is also essential in executing this.
Can You Push an Electric Golf Cart That Has No Handle-Style Brake?
Most golfers generally prefer hand brakes compared to foot brakes. What if your electric golf bag cart has no handle-style brake? Depending on the circumstance, here are the things that you should take note of:
- Brake unlock feature procedure
- How to put a golf cart in neutral
- Dealing with a drained battery
- The importance of staying on a flat terrain
Brake Unlock Feature Procedure
Most electric golf push carts and electric golf pull cart models without handle-style brake have an unlock feature procedure.
You can usually locate it on the bottom of the controller cover of your electric golf bag cart. Or you can also switch your electric golf bag cart in TOW position and key in neutral.
Putting a Golf Cart in Neutral
Make sure that you’re aware of how to put a golf cart in neutral. Knowing how to put a golf cart in neutral should do the trick in pushing your dead electric pull cart or electric golf push cart.
Drained Battery: Removing the Brake
However, if the batteries of your electric golf pull cart or electric golf push cart are completely drained, your only option is to remove the brake.
If you have available tools, you can supply power to your dead electric pull cart or electric golf push cart with a boost converter and drill batteries.
Staying on a Flat Terrain
Note that when using this method, you have to stay on flat terrains as much as possible.
Since you don’t have a setting that can slow down your golf bag motorized cart, you won’t be able to stop electric golf carts walking once you remove the brake—unless you are strong enough.
Why Can’t I Still Push My Golf Bag Motorized Cart After Following the Procedures?
If you have your motorized golf pull cart or electric golf push carts in TOW position and it still won’t move, you likely have a seized brake. It often happens when you have a parked golf bag motorized cart that had a locked-down pedal.
What should you do in this case?
First, always put electric golf bag carts in TOW position and be aware of how to put a golf cart in neutral before moving it or doing electrical work.
Here’s how you can push your golf bag motorized cart if the procedures mentioned does not work:
- Remove the battery pack of your motorized golf pull cart or electric golf push cart.
- Disconnect both the negative cable and positive cable from the batteries.
- Now, try to find something that would fit in between the lug area of the electric pull cart or in electric golf push carts. It enables you to release the brake pedal.
- Tap the wheels of your electric golf pull cart or electric golf push cart. This will usually do the work and release the brakes.
- In some cases, you might have to take off the tires of your electric golf bag cart and hit the brake drums to be able to release the brake.
That answers your question of “Can you push an electric golf cart?” Next, you’ll learn how to push electric golf carts walking.
How to Push your Electric Golf Cart
We have said that You can push your electric golf cart. The next question is, how do you do that? Well, there’s a strategy for doing that. You don’t just push like it’s a bicycle. You need to observe a few steps to do it correctly and perfectly.
Ensure it is on a freewheel mode
When you want to push your electric golf cart, ensure that it is in a freewheel mode. Of course, getting your electric golf cart in the freewheel is easy.
However, you also have to ensure that the cart is not in reverse mode. For gas-powered golf carts, you should switch it to neutral, and you are good to go.
The neutral mode for gas-powered golf carts becomes the freewheel mode. Therefore, turning it to the neutral mode offers easy movement.
What next?
Move to the left side of your electric golf cart
This is another crucial step if you want to push your electric golf cart easily. You need to move to the left side of the cart.
After that, you need to steady the cart. With your right arm placed on the steering wheel for easy control, place the left arm on the frame. The left-arm offers leverage. This way, you are stable and able to control the cart’s movement.
In case you have assistance from someone else, let them steer the cart using their right hand then push with their left hand. With that, you need to be at the back of the cart to push forward.
Of course, you need to ensure that the cart can move before you even start pushing. What’s the use in attempting to push something that won’t move at all? Therefore, ensure that the cart is movable before exerting all your strength.
In case the cart starts moving backward, move out of its way. This will offer safety for you. And yes, you are better off safe.
When Do You Push Your Electric Golf Cart
Electric golf carts are amazing. In fact, they are handy for anyone facing mobility issues. However, they also have some issues. From experience, most golfers prefer going the push cart way. This could be for convenience.
Some golfers choose golf push carts to save some bucks. Others choose push carts because they need to undertake some light exercises pushing them around. Whichever the case, golf push carts are an amazing investment for golfers.
Electric golf carts are designed for driving. Therefore, what cause one to have to push their electric golf cart?
When you run out of battery
This is one of the many reasons that force one to push their electric golf carts. Perhaps the battery dies easily. Or, the battery didn’t get fully charged the previous night. Whichever the case, when you run out of juice in the 10th hole, you will have to push the cart.
Therefore, every golfer needs to be ready for such misfortunes. When that happens, you need to turn your cart from run to tow mode. This way, you might have to push or pull the cart. Of course, this doesn’t really have anything to do with the motor or the transmission.
Therefore, running out of power is one of the reasons that force one to push their electric golf cart.
What is the solution?
Well, running out juice in the 10th hole isn’t the most pleasant thing for any golfer. Therefore, this is a problem.
Throughout my golfing career, I have never faced this problem. That is because I had seen many people face it, and I had to come up with a solution.
First, ensure that you have a golf cart battery indicator or meter. This way, you will keep track of how much juice you have left. In that case, you will approximate the distance to be covered.
Something else, you could also ensure that you have the best golf cart batteries out there. There are many options. However, having genuine brands ensures that you get the ultimate service. Going for the cheaper will put you at risk.
Of course, electric golf carts weren’t always that popular before. They have become popular with time. For that reason, more manufacturers have also gotten into the business.
Go for the best. I have made several suggestions for you. You can peruse through for some ideas.
When there’s a mechanical failure
Electric golf cart are mechanical devices. Of course, any mechanical device is bound to face some mechanical issues. Even your car fails at times.
However, this can be avoided by regular maintenance and check-up. Assuming on this day you didn’t attempt to check the condition of your electric golf cart, you will have to push it.
For exercise
Electric walking golf cart, such as an electric golf push cart that follows you, is an innovation that allows you to bring your golfing gears with ease. Remote control motorized golf caddy that follows you allows you to walk the fairway with a breeze.
Awkward as it may sound, some people just want to push their electric golf carts for fun. I have done that severally.
Some people ask me, why not just by a push cart instead? That really sounds like a funny reaction. It isn’t each time that you will want to be pushing a cart around the course.
Therefore, I love the convenience of being able to push my cart for fun. I also love the freedom of choosing whether to push or ride,
Most people love comfort too. When you are in the mood of pushing your cart, you do it. When you want to ride, you do it. It can be fun sometimes.
Can you push an electric golf cart? As stated above, you can. And, several reasons prompt the need for one to push their electric golf cart like shown above.
How to Make Electric Golf Cart Faster
A fast golf cart will make your golfing experience significantly better. The cart speed determines its dependability when pushing a golf cart on the course.
A higher horsepower also makes pushing a golf cart a breeze, which applies to powered golf push cart and battery powered golf push carts.
With all that said, you want to have fast electric push carts for golf.
Here are some tips on how to make electric golf cart faster and the best ways to speed up your electric push cart:
Keep Your Cart Clean and Light
This is one of the easiest ways how to make electric golf cart faster. Make sure to keep your electric push golf cart clean and free from any debris.
A clean engine will make pushing a golf cart a smooth and comfortable task. Always check your electric push cart for clutters like stones, particles, or mud that can slow down the engine speed.
Keeping electric push carts for golf free from things that can clog the engine can ensure a faster cart speed.
Switch to High-Powered Batteries
It is no surprise that the battery is the most vital element for the speed of your battery powered golf push cart. It determines the torque and speed of your electric push cart.
Hence, upgrading to high-powered batteries guarantees an increase in speed and overall power for electric push carts for golf.
Before making this switch, make sure to review the current battery voltage of your battery powered golf push cart. Ask a professional for help when you have a motorized golf caddy that follows you.
It is important to ensure that you will be switching to an apt range of higher-powered batteries.
Add an Extra Torque
Another way to increase the speed of your electric push golf cart is to add extra torque. This element serves as the motor pulling power for battery powered golf push carts.
As it is a function of current, more torque results top end speed on electric push carts for golf cart. Hence, a modified golf cart with an extra torque and higher voltage is a way how to make electric golf cart faster.
Upgrade Your Motor
The motor of a powered golf push cart translates your battery’s power into the pulling power or torque, which we discussed earlier.
Hence, upgrading your motor to a high-performance one can dramatically improve the speed of your electric push cart. Most golfers will suggest this method on how to make electric golf cart faster.
However, this requires extensive knowledge and proper training. It is better to leave the decision on the motor model of your electric push golf cart to a professional or an expert.
Improve the High-Speed Controler
Another way how to make electric golf cart faster is to improve the high-speed controller of your battery powered golf push cart.
The speed controller is what limits the cart speed when you drive it on the course. It also applies to electric golf push cart that follows you.
It is essential to ensure that battery powered golf push carts are not running too fast to avoid any damage. When you upgrade the motor, you’ll have to also upgrade to a higher-speed controller.
Switch Your Tires
Aside from the engine and motor, the tires are also crucial in the speed of electric push cart for golf.
Switching the tires of your electric push golf cart is undoubtedly one of the fastest ways to make electric golf cart faster. Changing to a larger tire of up to 24-inches can result in a higher top end speed.
However, take note and make sure that the tires you’re switching to are not too big and that pushing a golf cart around the course comes with ease.
Tips & Warnings
There are various ways how to make electric golf cart faster with the features of battery powered golf push carts.
If you’re not skilled in mechanic work, make sure to contact a professional before modifying your battery powered golf push cart.
If you push through it without prior knowledge, damage could occur to your electric push cart.
What is the Most Compact Golf Push Cart?
Many people ask this question.
Is there a specific weight prescribed for a golf push cart and electric walking golf cart? Well, this is a rather tricky conversation.
There are dimensions and weight for an ideal golf push cart. However, the size varies. For that reason, what dimensions describe the most compact golf push cart?
Generally, golf push carts come in a wide range of formats and dimensions. They deliver different speeds as well.
On average, push carts are about 4-feet. That translates to about 1.2 meters in the width. As for their length, they measure 8 feet. That translates to 2.4 meters. As for the height, they are 6 feet or 1.8 meters.
Therefore, the most compact golf push cart would measure anything below 4 x 8 x 6 feet. As for the weight, an average golf push cart weighs about 900 pounds to 1000 pounds. Anything below that would be the most compact.
Being compact is an important feature of a golf push cart.
However, quality determines everything. A motorized golf caddy that follows you is a type of electric walking golf cart that utilizes remote control features.
Through this compact electric walking golf cart, you can have assistance with your clubs and gears without the need to strain your muscles.
This makes an electric golf push cart that follows you an excellent option.
The popular brands for motorized golf caddy that follows you are CaddyTrek and Clubrunner. This innovation of electric golf push cart that follows you makes walking the course more comfortable.
In that case, which is the best compact golf push cart? The best compact golf push cart ought to fulfill the stipulated dimensions and still give an impressive performance.
How Much Are Golf Push Carts?
Clearly, there isn’t a specific price. The price of a golf push cart depends on various aspects. For instance, you look at the quality and the brand. Some brands are luxurious. Therefore, their prices go up.
In that case, we look at the average price of a golf push cart. The price range from $1000 or less to over $20, 000. Several factors affect the price of a golf push cart.
For instance, whether you will be using the golf push cart for golf courses or a country club determines how expensive it costs. You could also look at a factors like whether it is new or used.
A used golf push cart goes at a lower price than a new one. Something else, buying a high-end golf push cart, also affects the price. We have luxury models that go for a higher price.
Of course, the rise in the use of golf push carts and electric models has resulted in most golf clubs creating rooms for storage. Therefore, you might not have to bear the burden of carrying your cart daily to and from the course.
In Closing
Can you push an electric golf cart? We have answered this question and put it to rest. You can push your electric golf cart.
However, you need to follow the steps listed above to ensure that you’re doing the method that suits your type of cart. You also learned essential things, including how to make electric golf cart faster and what the best golf push cart is.
This knowledge is necessary to keep your cart on its top condition based on your preference to make navigating the course more enjoyable.
More Information
Last Updated on December 4, 2023 by Paul Roger Steinberg